Renault Sandero engine specifications and acceleration to 100


Engine displacement and acceleration to 100 km / h of Renault Sandero. The main generations and configurations of the model, as well as possible variations within the same generation, have been introduced.

Typically, engine displacement and torque play a major role in the technical and dynamic performance of a vehicle. The acceleration of the car to 100 km / h and the type of fuel directly depend on this. Let's consider the characteristics on the example of the Renault Sandero crossover, as well as the difference between generations and restyling. According to available data, the acceleration of Renault Sandero can overcome the first hundred on the speedometer in 10.5 to 14.5 seconds.

Engine characteristics Renault Sandero 2018, 2nd generation, hatchback, restyling

The model is produced from 07.2018 to the present time.

ModificationEngine displacement, see cube.Maximum torque, N * mAcceleration to 100 km / h, s
1.6 l, 82 hp, gasoline, manual transmission, front-wheel drive159813413,9
1.6 l, 102 hp, gasoline, automatic transmission, front-wheel drive159814511,9
1.6 l, 113 hp, gasoline, manual transmission, front-wheel drive159815210,7

Engine characteristics Renault Sandero 2012, 2nd generation, hatchback

The model was produced from 09.2012 to 12.2018. Read the Renault Sandero 2015 review.

ModificationEngine displacement, see cube.Maximum torque, N * mAcceleration to 100 km / h, s
1.1 l, 75 hp, gasoline, manual transmission, front-wheel drive114910714,5
1.6 l, 82 hp, gasoline, manual transmission, front-wheel drive159813411,9
1.6 l, 82 hp, gasoline, robot, front-wheel drive159813412,4
1.6 l, 102 hp, gasoline, manual transmission, front-wheel drive159814510,5
1.6 l, 102 hp, gasoline, automatic transmission, front-wheel drive159814511,7
1.6 l, 113 hp, gasoline, manual transmission, front-wheel drive159815210,7

Engine characteristics Renault Sandero 2009, 1st generation, hatchback

The model was produced from 12.2009 to 08.2014.

ModificationEngine displacement, see cube.Maximum torque, N * mAcceleration to 100 km / h, s
1.4 l, 75 hp, gasoline, manual transmission, front-wheel drive139011213
1.6 l, 84 hp, gasoline, manual transmission, front-wheel drive159812411,5
1.6 l, 102 hp, gasoline, manual transmission, front-wheel drive159814510,5
1.6 l, 105 hp, gasoline, automatic transmission, front-wheel drive159814511,7

Engine displacement and acceleration to 100 km / h of the Renault Sandero car. The main generations and configurations of the model, as well as possible variations within the same generation, have been introduced.

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Renault Sandero generations:

  • 2nd generation 2018 (hatchback, restyling)
  • 2nd generation 2012-2018 (hatchback)
  • 1st generation 2009-2014 (hatchback)

