Which is more profitable, to repair an old car or buy a new one


The content of the article:

  1. Important criteria
    • Vehicle maintenance costs
    • Savings Opportunity
    • Time spent
    • Financial opportunities for buying a new car
  2. Buying a new car - pros and cons
    • Advantages of buying a new car
    • Disadvantages of new cars
  3. Used cars - pros and cons
    • Cons of used cars
    • Advantages of a used car
  4. conclusions

Most often, the car owner thinks about buying a new car in case of serious or permanent breakdowns of the old one. This state of affairs requires constant spending of both money and time. But before deciding, it is worth finding out if it is really more profitable to have a new car.

Important criteria

In order to look at the problem from a practical point of view, and not an emotional one, several important criteria should be taken into account if it is necessary or unnecessary to buy a new car:

1. Expenditure on vehicle maintenance

The question of maintenance costs is the most important of all, and in order to answer it, you need to calculate how much the maintenance of the machine has cost, for example, in the last 3 or 6 months. To do this, on a sheet of paper on the right, you should write down all the expense items, and on the left - the amount that was paid for the period taken.

Costs include not only maintenance, fuel and the cost of parts, but also such expenses as washing, insurance, taxes, technical inspection, etc. If the payment is one-time like an annual technical inspection, then the amount is divided by 12 (months) and the result is multiplied by 3 or 6, depending on the selected period for calculations.

After that, similar calculations should be made for a potential new car and the results should be compared. If the consumption for the maintenance of the old car significantly exceeds the theoretical consumption for the new one, then you should seriously think about changing the car. But this is just a reason to think, and not to run to the salon this minute.

2. Possibility of savings

It is likely that an old car will cost significantly less if you change the workshop to a less prestigious, and therefore not as expensive.

Another option is to find an intelligent private mechanic who will make repairs for a small fee or tell you what is the cause of the breakdown. In the latter case, the service station employees will not be able to so easily hang on your ears and rip off money for fixing something that does not need to be repaired.

It often happens that the workshop not only takes into account the cost of repairing a workable part, but also replaces it with a worn one, or the original for a copy. Therefore, a small amount for a neighbor-mechanic with experience, if not for repairs, then for checking the conscientiousness of the chosen car service will pay off with interest.

Another way to save money is to find out the prices for parts that have to be changed quite often. This includes brake pads, spark plugs, filters, and more.

After spending a certain amount of time and effort, you can find a store with reasonable prices. It is also worth checking the auto parts bulletin boards regularly for brand new parts at prices well below market prices. Many enterprising people sell completely new products in this way in order to avoid paying taxes and maintaining the outlet.

3. Time costs

If trying to get your car up and running takes most of your budget and time as well, is it worth continuing in the same vein? Calculate how much time you spend looking for new parts and sitting in the garage trying to save money on repairs at the auto shop. Or how much time you spend in public transport or a taxi while the car (once again) is idle for repairs.

Time is just as valuable a resource as money. Not to mention the constant hassle that accompanies breakdowns and whims, which are famous for "aged" cars. Perhaps mental peace is more expensive than the cost of purchasing a new car.

4. Financial opportunities for buying a new car

You can buy a car on credit or in installments, but is it worth it? Maybe your old iron friend is not in such bad shape to pay interest on a loan for several years?

It is worth comparing the costs of an old car with the additional costs of a new one. It is quite possible that the percentage that you will pay to the bank for several years will be easy to take care of your old car and, at the same time, save it for a new one.

If, considering all the above nuances, you are convinced that you still have to change the car, then you should proceed to the next stage - which car is more profitable to buy, new or used.

Buying a new car - pros and cons

Over the past few years, have you suffered from your old car - breakdowns, repairs, starts up every other time, does not obey the steering wheel well, breaks down again, etc.? Or have you heard enough of the terrible stories of friends on this topic? Naturally, you see some pros in buying a brand new car and ignore the cons.

Advantages of buying a new car

  1. Factory warranty. All worries about checking, replacing spare parts and other work will hardly affect you. At least until the expiration of the warranty period.
  2. Digital equipment. The latest models are fully equipped with the latest technology, which greatly simplifies transport management and increases its safety.
  3. Possibility of return. In the event of a breakdown or any deficiencies, a new car can be returned to the salon within a few days after purchase. Or demand the elimination of deficiencies at the expense of the company.
  4. Legal purity. When buying a car in the showroom, you can be sure that all documents are in order and there is no “emergency and criminal trail” behind the car.
  5. Wide range of models. Of course, the used car market is also diverse, but it is difficult to find the latest automotive or auto products that meet all technical parameters.
  6. Relatively long service life without the need for repair. The likelihood that a new car will need repairs in the near future is extremely small. Although it is still not worth excluding it.
  7. Psychological satisfaction. For many motorists, the realization that a "stranger" was driving their brainchild is a painful sensation. Often, the desire to be the first and the only one plays a decisive role in tipping the scales in favor of buying a new car.
  8. An opportunity to get a profitable loan. It is much easier to find a favorable loan offer for the purchase of a new product. Such opportunities rarely apply to used cars, and it is often impossible to get a loan for used cars at all.
  9. There is no need to undergo a technical inspection. The first technical inspection of a new car takes place three years after the start of operation.
  10. No surprises. Buying from an authorized representative allows you to avoid unpleasant surprises like an "emergency past", serious and not completely eliminated breakdowns, primed and painted over dents, etc.

Disadvantages of new cars

  1. The cost of the car itself. 15 - 20% of the total amount you pay just for the fact that the car is new. After a year or two of operation, its price decreases by about 25%, after which it freezes at this level. That is, you pay almost a quarter of the amount only for the symbol “new”.
  2. Factory warranty. Yes, that's right - plus smoothly, but confidently develops into a minus.To keep the guarantee, you will have to fulfill the agreed conditions - service only in official showrooms, and this is a pleasure that costs money. After all, repair of a breakdown at the expense of the manufacturer is not possible in every case, which means that you will have to carry out repairs at your own expense from an authorized dealer. Not to mention that the equipment should remain the same as provided by the manufacturer. Until the expiration of the warranty period, you will not be able to replace the installed parts with improved ones, make tuning and even set up a cheaper alarm. The result of all this is excessive costs.
  3. The need for CASCO insurance. Annual contributions represent more than an impressive amount, so another item is added to the expense item.

Despite all the advantages, not everyone can afford to buy a new car, not to mention the return on investment. Is owning a new car worth the cost and is there an alternative?

If your car is only a few years old, it will be much more practical to spend some money on a thorough repair, and it will serve just fine for a few more years.

If the age and condition of the car require it to be replaced, and the prospect of buying it in the salon does not cause delight, then you can limit yourself to purchasing a used car.

Used cars - pros and cons

One of the reasons for buying cars in the salon is the fear of not getting out of the garage or auto repair shops again. This is especially true for people who have already had a sad experience in this area.

Cons of used cars

  1. There is no guarantee. But there are no obligations either. As mentioned above, warranty service also has an unpleasant side.
  2. High fuel consumption. The older the car, the more fuel it consumes. Cars 6-10 years old consume 10-15% more fuel than new ones.
  3. The risk of breakdowns increases every year. The older the car, the more often it needs repairs.
  4. High insurance premiums. Insurance rates for old cars are often much higher than for new ones.
  5. Purchase risk. If you decide to buy a used car, you should beware of pitfalls. For people who are poorly versed in all the intricacies, it is better to take a knowledgeable person with them who will not allow themselves to be fooled.

Advantages of a used car

  1. Cost. For the amount that you have to pay in the salon for a mediocre model, you can buy a 2 or 3 year old car of a higher class.
  2. Economical content. No factory warranty - no content restrictions. Services of an inexpensive auto repair shop, spare parts at reduced prices, etc.
  3. Possibility to equip to your liking. Tuning enthusiasts buy used cars, as this allows them to turn a standard "iron horse" into an individual model. A more practical option is to change the acoustics, install an alarm, toning and other important little things.
  4. A used car does not mean a wreck, which will not differ from your old car of fifteen years of age. If you approach the purchase issue thoroughly, then finding an almost new car in good condition is not so difficult. Indeed, in our time, many have the opportunity to change cars every few years. And the reason is not that he is in a bad state - it can be prestige, an attempt to keep up with fashion, or "the situation obliges." Ideally, if there is such a person among your acquaintances, and you are sure of his decency.


A one-time serious breakdown of an old car is not a reason to purchase another. It is worth changing a car only if the cost of its maintenance exceeds the cost of buying and maintaining a new one, or when a bank account allows you to spend a certain amount without prejudice to the main budget. Otherwise, it will be much more practical to spend some money on repairs.

Buying a new car is justified if:

  • purchasing it will not make a dent in your budget;
  • you plan to use it for at least 3 years;
  • prestige and reliability are important to you;
  • you are poorly versed in technology and do not want to risk buying a used one;
  • you need a specific model, the complete set of which suits you completely.

Buying a used car is justified if:

  • your budget is not designed for high spending;
  • you do not have enough funds for a new car, whiter than a high class;
  • you are well versed in technology and it is difficult to deceive you by imposing a low-quality product;
  • you expect to service the car yourself.

You should focus on repairing an existing car if:

  • his age is less than 5 years;
  • the car requires an average cost of repairs to put it in order;
  • you can reduce maintenance costs;
  • you do not have enough funds to buy a new model, and there is no point in changing one old one to another of the same.

Thoroughly thinking everything over, weighing all the pros and cons, it will not be difficult to choose the most appropriate option for each specific case.
